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Tutorials and Programs
Tutorials for Mozilla, Netscape 7.0, or IE 6.0 with MathPlayer 2.0
Online tutorial
Compressed tutorial, TutorialC.tar.bz2
Tutorials for IE 5.5 with MathPlayer 1.0
Online tutorial
Compressed tutorial, TutorialC.tar.gz
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Click here to view two half-size applets at the same time.

The right mouse button will bring up a menu and the following mouse actions can also be used to control the applet even while the animation is playing:

  • Left Mouse Button - rotates the molecule in x and y dimensions
  • Shift-Right Mouse Button - horizontal movement of the mouse rotates the molecule in the z dimension
  • Ctrl-Right Mouse Button - translates (moves) the molecule
  • Shift-Left Mouse Button - vertical movement of the mouse zooms in and out
Generate your own nanotube coordinates with the source. To learn more about nanotubes go to the Nanotube Site. To learn more about the Jmol project go to http://jmol.sourceforge.net/.

You can also have a look at a DNA molecule.


Copyright © 2003-2009 Brian J. Keay